Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So, I fly to Houston today to see the MS Specialist that is supposed to know about Lyme. He started in on the "no lyme in Texas" spiel. Frustrating.......

He says all he sees is pointing to MS.....he looks at the Igenex reports and says there is not enough there to consider Lyme, that I needed to have the CSF checked for Lyme titer, which had never been done(so I/we thought); he also said the MRI's are showing him seriously active MS lesions (LLMD says he is seeing NOTHING but Lyme, no MS). I got home and read up on some things and spoke to the local neuro and he told me he did have the b Lyme checked on the CSF and it was negative(want to talk that over with the LLMD). I found a site today that had some info I think is interesting. It also points more towards a definite MS diagnosis.

I thought I may have found a local neuro that used to be a Lyme specialist who I could run some of this by for possible help or direction, but I do not know if she will see me. Waiting, in limbo.....

Also called the LLMD also today to see what his thought was on the CFS being nefgative and the aforementioned site info as well. Still waiting on him to call back as well. Limbo......again......

I do not want a definite diagnosis of anything debilitating, but I just want to know what the heck my body is is so frustrating to be caught between 2 diseases that have no 100% diagnositic tests to tell you what is going on. I feel pulled between 2 doctors who are routing for their specialty to be the "winner" and I am stuck in the middle of it all not knowing what to do. The LLMD says do not do steroids as it is a trigger for Lyme, and NN(new neuro) says I should start steroids right away. ON(old neuro) says I should start Avonex treatment ASAP, and NN says he thinks it is not that great and I should start Betaseron ASAP,.......what to do, what to do????

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